Star Collection

Original Formats


Panda Channel also already has a carnet and is very special.

Always with a lot of excitement, let's discover all the cards and put them together in the most fun virtual book on television.

Star Collection will bring together the best of many worlds: the tradition of notebooks, fun games, the discovery of cards and, of course, new technologies.

With interactive and virtual reality, Star Collection will unite the whole family, enchant the children and stimulate, in a didactic way, the curiosity of everyone for always fun topics.

Star Collection has to be filled out. For this, the two pairs of competitors have to pass three races - two interactive races and one physical race.

Whenever a test is surpassed, through a virtual reality mechanism and special glasses for the purpose, the competitor has to choose one of the 10 virtual sachets that are scattered and hidden in a «virtual scenario».






SP Entertainment


Canal Panda


SP Entertainment